Donate to a Team or Program

To donate to our non-profit you can write a check made out to “HBRB” and send it to:

P.O. Box 1073
Hollis NH 030349-1073 

If you would like to donate to a specific team or purpose, please include the allocation designation on the memo line of the check. 
For example: "Team 1073", or "The Stingers", or "1073 Mentor Scholarship Fund"

To donate time or materials, or become an ongoing sponsor of HBRB please contact 

If you would like to donate via credit card or Paypal, please use the following links:

Donate to HBRB
General Fund

Donate to HBHS
FRC Team 1073
The Force Team

Donate to HBMS
FTC Team 10660
The Silver Knights

Donate to HBMS
FTC Team 11866 
The Royal Knights

Donate to HBMS
FTC Team 22760
The Navy Knights

Donate to Community
FTC Team 24488 
The Stingers

Donate to
1073 Mentor Scholarship Fund